Stories of over 1000 members
Our archive is a valuable reference source regarding the collective work of our members and the history of the Society.
Housed in the basement of our Dora House headquarters, the archive comprises the files of over 1000 sculptors members, past and present.
Our unique record includes some of the greatest sculptors of the end of the 19th and the whole 20th British Century, such as Sir W. Hamo Thornycroft, Sir Alfred Gilbert, Gilbert Bayes, Sir William Goscombe John, Alfred Drury, Charles Sargent Jagger, Sir Charles Wheeler, Eric Gill, Frank Owen Dobson, Maurice Lambert, Leon Underwood, Hubert Dalwood, Willi Soukop, Dame Elisabeth Frink, Tony Long, Eduardo Chillida, Michael Kenny, Isaac Witkin, Tony Birks-Hay, Anthony Caro, Elisabeth Koster, Brian McCann, Liam O'Brien, Roger Partridge, John Pickering, Keith Rand, Anthony Stones, Brian Taylor, Gilbert Watt and Althea Wynne.
Our archive contains photographs of past work, letters, actual works, and assorted references.

For Research Purposes
Following the re-brand and rename of the Society to the Royal Society of Sculptors in 2018 it was voted at the AGM that all current members’ suffixes would change from MRBS to MRSS and FRBS to FRSS. From the Society’s point of view, members were encouraged to adopt this change.
For all past members, who resigned, were suspended or died prior to the rename, they will retain the suffix that they had at the time of leaving the Society e.g. ARBS, MRBS, FRBS, PPRBS. For example Cecil Thomas FRBS.
We are happy to arrange visits to our archive, in return for a donation of £25.
If you have an archive enquiry, please get in touch on