Entry Type

Open to all

About the prize

Fighting With Pride, the LGBT Military Charity, on behalf of HM Armed Forces and funded through a government grant, are looking to appoint an artist to deliver a public memorial to be installed at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. This is to commemorate the service and sacrifice of the LGBT Armed Forces community and to recognise the hidden history of LBGT Service in HM Armed Forces.

The sum allocated is £230,000, and the timeline is:

•   Application deadline – 19 November 2024

•   Shortlist announced – early December 2024

•   Interview – early January 2025. Shortlisted candidates will be requested to produce a maquette, scale drawings and associated documentation (including detailed costings) to support their proposal. A fee of £500 to enable maquette production will be made available.

•   Announcement of winning artist and design – early January 2025

•   Installation complete – 22 August 2025

•   Formal unveiling ceremony – late October 2025

The compressed timeline is imperative to ensure completion during the 25th anniversary year of the lifting of the ban on LGBT military service.

Background - Defence LGBT History

Until 2000 it was illegal to be LGBT in HM Armed Forces. Many people were interrogated, imprisoned, dismissed or administratively discharged because of the ban on LGBT service. Others could not take the strain and stress of continually hiding their sexuality, and so resigned. Some died by suicide. Their lives were blighted, losing family and friends and being unable to work meaningfully as they were “dismissed with disgrace.” Even after the ban was lifted, nothing was done to support those who were so badly disadvantaged under it, until 2020 when Fighting With Pride (FWP) the LGBT military charity was founded [1]

Since the ban was lifted in 2000, the MoD has made huge strides in its approach to Diversity and Inclusion. The single Services of HM Armed Forces are today rightly recognised as one of the best employers for the LGBT community. The Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Air Force all have dynamic LGBT Networks and routinely participate in Pride parades in uniform around the country.

A memorial to all LGBT Armed Forces personnel (Veteran, Serving, Reservist, Cadet Forces and their families and friends) will acknowledge their contribution to the defence of our peace and freedom in the past and in the future and recognise those affected by the historic ban on LGBT people serving in the Armed Forces.

Whilst there are memorials to the single Services at the National Memorial Arboretum, it was recognised in the LGBT Veterans Independent Review by Lord Etherton [2] that there should be a government funded public memorial at the Arboretum, to all LGBT people who have served and continue to serve in the military (the LGBT Armed Forces Community). The Government has agreed to fund a Memorial and has allocated a grant to Fighting With Pride for this purpose. 

We now have a unique opportunity to create a memorial which brings the LGBT Armed Forces Community out from the margins they were relegated to for so long. To project their service and sacrifice to the fore, in a progressive and inspired way. The memorial needs to stand out from the ordinary, to blend the vibrant diversity and flair of the LGBT community with the traditions of military service. Now no longer hiding in the shadows, but visible -  Pride in their service, Pride in their community and Pride in themselves. 

[1] https://www.fightingwithpride.org.uk

[2] https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/64b14c0d07d4b800133472e9/LGBT_Veterans_Independent_Review.pdf


Location - National Memorial Arboretum

The National Memorial Arboretum is a 150 Acre site on the edge of the National Forest in Staffordshire. It is a part of the Royal British Legion, but it is a separate legal entity which exists to ensure that:

•   The unique contribution of those who have served and sacrificed is never forgotten

•   The baton of Remembrance is passed on through the generations

•   There is a year-round space to celebrate lives lived and commemorate lives lost

The Arboretum welcomes over 300,000 visitors to site each year, including over 20,000 young people for formal and informal learning visits. Visitors discover over 400 memorials nestled amongst some 25,000 trees, experience riverside walks and participate in a wide variety of daily activities: guided walks, land train tours, memorial talks, exhibitions and buggy tours.


•   The memorial should recognise the service and sacrifice of LGBT armed forces personnel who died serving their country, those who suffered because of the ban on LGBT military service until 2000, as well as celebrating the LGBT military community serving their country today and in the future

•   The memorial should be reflective of the fact that these service personnel represent all the regions and nations of the United Kingdom

•   The memorial should recognise that these service personnel represent all three branches of HM Armed Force (RN, Army, RAF)

Production and Maintenance

•   Consider maintenance in perpetuity and the associated costs in the submission - maintenance will be managed by the Arboretum

•   Present details on materials, infrastructure needs and maintenance provisions

•   Include necessary and realistic lead times to produce the design



•   A Government grant has been made available

•   Design, production, construction, delivery and installation costs together with in perpetuity maintenance cost, not to exceed £230,000 (including a design fee for the artist (to be agreed))

•   Outline a preliminary budget and plan for the design, production, delivery and installation of the memorial including all groundworks, foundations, specialist equipment and technician support as well as maintenance for the memorial at the Arboretum. The Arboretum is available to advise on local environmental conditions, safety, presentation and site operations that may have an impact on the maintenance regime

•   All costings to include VAT

How to apply

Application / Submission

This is an open call to artists and sculptors with previous experience of public sculpture and who have had a previous commission to the value of £50k or more, who are in residence in the UK and/or whose practice/production is based in the UK.

To make an application please submit the following by 19 November 2024 using this online form:

•   CV

•   An artist statement  

•   At least one example of a previous project of similar scale

•   A single page response to the brief including brief costings 

•   A draft visualization / concept drawing / image

Please note:

•   Shortlisted artists will be asked to submit a detailed plan and costings for the design and all associated groundworks, delivery and final installation. The successful artist will be responsible for all aspects of the build/installation.

•   Shortlisted artists will be given the opportunity to visit the Arboretum so that they can familiarise themselves with the site.

•   For detailed information about working with the Arboretum, please see their application SOP: https://www.thenma.org.uk/docs/default-source/memorial-documents/sop-44-memorial-application-and-alteration-policy---rev-12---may-23.pdf?sfvrsn=c372c76f_0

•   The 7-person judging panel will comprise LBGT serving personnel and veterans, a senior representative from FWP, a senior representative from RBL, a senior representative from the National Memorial Arboretum, a representative from the Royal Society of Sculptors and an independent art advisor

•   Experience of HM Armed Forces (immediate or familial) and/or the LBGT community would be welcome although not a prerequisite. 

Judging Criteria

•   Proposed costings to reflect budget available.

•   Production, construction and installation schedule meets required timelines.

•   Design reflects the guidance given relating to LGBT military personnel past, present and future.

Themes & Priorities

The artist should reflect the most prominent themes identified by the community to shape the design and feel of the memorial. See word cloud (image on the left hands side) and key elements from the recent LGBT Armed Forces Community survey (below).


•   To embody the ethos of military service

•   To acknowledge the history of LGBT Service in HM Armed Forces

•   To commemorate, remember and celebrate

•   To take an innovative and unique approach to the memorial design

•   To have a strong visual impact

•   The memorial should draw visitors to it and enhance community engagement

•   To relate to the physical space of the Arboretum [such as the River Tame which flows beside the site]

•   To educate and promote thought and sustain enduring interest

•   To be clear and accessible in its message

•   To provide a place for reflection

•   To be durable and capable of being maintained

•   The Artist must explain what motivates and inspires them to be a part of this project

•   Please note that memorials featuring individual names will not be approved

Survey results

From approximately 300 submitted survey responses, the following key views from the community were identified:

•   Nearly 85% of those surveyed indicated a wish for a prominent and visible memorial in a moderate/high footfall location

•   63% indicated a desire for a physical/artistic installation

•   85% consider the educational element of the installation to be very important

Word cloud from the 2024 survey

Apply no later than Tuesday 19 November 2024