

Architectural / Monumental / Relief


Installation / Land / Site-specific


Found Objects

Mixed media




South East


I am a multidisciplinary artist working in sculpture, installation and photography and employ a range of materials to move between large scale site specific works and smaller, more intimate objects.

Motifs relate to an ongoing interest in the sensory and physical nature of architecture and the built environment as they are constructed and deconstructed, often contrasting them with more organic and bodily forms and structures. The aim is to configure fragments and surfaces to express a physical and psychological relationship with a site or building to convey a sense of time and place.

I often work like an archaeologist in reverse, drawing on a architecture, design, fashion and literatrue to create structures and fragments that hint at past narratives, whilst offering something new that can be viewed through a contemporary lens.

Much of my practice involves working with curators and artists on a number of temporary and collaborative projects in galleries and public, private and abandoned spaces in UK, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Bulgaria and Portugal. I have a Fine Art Degree from Newcastle University and an MA in Digital Media Arts from University of Brighton