
Architectural / Monumental / Relief



Metal (other)



North West


In her work, Ruth draws the viewer’s attention to both the overall spectacle and individual beauty of a flower.

Inspired by her close study of a particular species and the intricate forms she discovers, the finished pieces and the materials used explore the apparent fragility of an individual plant contrasted with its ability to sustain existence.

Her sculptures are predominantly made from metal but she often combines other materials to reflect her interpretation of a particular structure. 

Ruth has also produced artworks using float glass.  Originally layering real flowers between the glass, her more recent pieces use images and etchings. Each panel depicts the beauty found in a range of British wild flowers and replicates the profusion in which they can be found naturally.

Ruth’s artworks are limited editions, she has created numerous commissions and her work features in corporate, institutional and private collections both internationally and across the UK.