

Digital / Light / Sound

Installation / Land / Site-specific





Metal (other)

Mixed media




East Midlands


I describe my current visual art practice as:

‘Examining the Philosophy of Ordinary Language, love and the consumption of milk’ and ‘not everything I say is necessarily true but, I never tell a lie’.

Graham Keddie, carries out his practice research in Fine-Art, is an Independent Curator and mentor.
The digesting of literal information, and my personal experience of the challenges of linguistics; of how language liaises with logic and definition, has always presented a problem to me in the context of agreed language definitions. Much of my work is part of an expressive incubation of complex thoughts that I cannot write down. Nothing is finished, all works are rather like annotations, estimations, equations that get as far as they can and generally fail in a cycle of paradox. www.grahamkeddie.com

He has exhibition reviews by Robert Clark, Arts Guardian Writer, Suzanne Stenning and others.
Arts Council of England individual award for artist curator.
Founding Member and Chair of APT? Fine Art Research Group: http://aplaceintime.info/
Founding member of gallery202: http://gallery202.wix.com/gallery202
Artistic Advisor to the Rooftop Gallery. Corby, Northants.
Selected Recent Publications;
Title; Iguana, Place in Time.
Title: 10:05:13-11:05:13/10.05.13/GK. Subtitled: The ‘Fieldworker in a Superposition’.
Title; Strategies: a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,I,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z.

HALO Filmed on location in England at; NN16 9SU. 14 minutes in length. Have you noticed how many things come in threes? My mother would send me outside to break a milk bottle after two mishaps to stop the curse of three. Have you ever dreamt in threes? Three reoccurring dreams somehow in parallel, dipping in and out of each. 123, I count as I walk along and climb up steps. I always have three books on the go. Three narratives, three viewpoints, three philosophies and of course childhood memories of bedtime, my mother, my bed, the room and ‘The Three Little Pigs’. I like exploring intersections between the past, present and future. I experiment with fractions of narratives, observations, time and memories of place alongside the present day. In this context I watch people, collect conversations, words, recycle phrases, forming a rhizome of narratives that reveal new hidden patterns and relationships. In this work; HALO, there are journeys, traces and trails which embrace ambiguity, questions, speculation in a floating landscape of place and time.