Found Objects
Mixed media
Yorkshire and the Humber
Gillian constructs sculpture in steel, with additional elements in other materials such as wood, Jesmonite, concrete and stone. She creates spatial and dynamic configurations that synthesise her observations, allude to function and suggest new narratives. Her work process is responsive and organic, using fairly simple techniques to construct sculpture from collections of elements.
She has been making sculpture with linear and planar materials for many years. She has recently developed new lines of enquiry, where she incorporates both actual and cast found objects and artefacts to create mass and volume and bring a focus on subjectivity and shared experience. She often uses discarded domestic objects as sculptural forms, that retain their familiarity yet take on alternative roles in relation to other materials. She is more interested in how their forms can be repurposed rather than the nostalgia they generate, yet she's not able to control how others see them.
Gillian has exhibited across the UK through her career. She is a member of Talking Sculpture Making (TSM), a discussion forum and exhibiting group of women sculptors based in London and the North.
In parallel with her studio practice, Gillian works as an artist in a learning and engagement context on arts projects, public commissions and research programmes in partnership with galleries, universities, public and community organisations.