
Architectural / Monumental / Relief

Installation / Land / Site-specific




Mixed media







Cecile Johnson Soliz was born in Germany and is a second generation American of Bolivian heritage. She grew up in Merced in the San Joaquin Valley in California. She also lived in Mexico, Bolivia, Brazil, Italy and Ghana before moving to Cardiff in 1975 to study on the Foundation course for one year at Cardiff College of Art. Cecile later completed a B.A. and M.A. in Fine Art at Goldsmiths’ College, London, where she lived for 20 years. She returned to Cardiff as the Henry Moore Fellow in Sculpture at Cardiff School of Art & Design (1995-1997). Cecile was Senior Lecturer, Head of Fine Art and Programme Leader in Sculpture at CSAD between 1998 and 2011. From 2013-2014 she was a recipient of a Major Creative Wales Award from the Arts Council of Wales and in 2017 was awarded the Gold Medal in Fine Art at the National Eisteddfod. Her exhibition, ‘TWIST’ was at the Oriel Davies Gallery (2019). ‘Exploratory Dances for Drawing and Sculpture’, launched the Cardiff Dance Festival 2019 and in 2022, Cecile worked with dancers and choreographer for Laboratori, a collaborative project with National Dance Company Wales and Chapter Arts Centre. She exhibited sculpture at the Oriel Davies Gallery in Newtown in, ' A Deeper Understanding, Responding to Tobias and the Angel', a part of The National Gallery Masterpiece Tour: TOBIAS AND THE ANGEL by Verrocchio and is currently collaborating with the National Dance Company of Wales on, 'In Tandem' and 'Infinity Duet', an evening of dance, sculpture, drawing and sound for 30/31 Jan 2025 at the Dance House, Cardiff.

Cecile Johnson Soliz lives in Cardiff, Wales. She works in her studio in the city centre and regularly travels to the Continent, the US and throughout the UK.