Toffee, 2024

Over a career that has spanned over forty years of exhibiting, I have built an international reputation as one of the most inventive sculptors of my generation. These major works are often characterised by concerns with size and structural daring. I’ve always been concerned with the way you can alter someone’s perception, knock their view of the world off-kilter. And to do that I need to start with something we think we understand. This a lot of the time has been the familiar order of architecture.  To this end I have been fortunate in producing many major sited pieces around the world both temporary and permanent, a recent example being “Slipstream' at Terminal 2 ,Heathrow. Achieving these works has allowed me to work along side many professional practices including Engineers, Fabricators, Riggers, Hauliers, Curators, PR companies etc. 

I call what I do sculpture and myself a sculptor, a term I feel accurately describes my primary engagement with the world of materials, objects and space but is not prescriptive about the manifestations in the way a term like “site specific” might do. Of course not everything I produce is on a grand scale hence “Toffee” from 10 grams of wax.

Richard has said:

You get asked to support a good cause and so your sent a tiny package to act upon. You open 10 grams of wax and its almost edible at that scale. Toffee scale. Toffee in appearance.You take that mini block, twist both ends and find the toffee within. No AI there. 

Participating in this project helps to transform the derelict basement at Dora House  into a welcoming flat for visiting artists with flexible studio space and a home for the Royal Society of Sculptors’ archive.

Unique work, cast in bronze, approx. H: 1.5 cm x L: 7.2 cm x D: 2.1 cm

Price: £2,000

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