Arc, 2024

Rebecca Salter lived in Japan for six years, including two years as a research student at Kyoto City University of Arts. While in Japan she explored many traditional techniques and applies this experience to her main practice of painting and drawing. 

She has had several international solo exhibitions, including a major retrospective at Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut in 2011, and has also featured in numerous group shows. 

She was elected a Royal Academician in 2014 and in 2017 became Keeper of the Royal Academy of Arts. In December 2019 she was elected President, the first woman to hold the position in the history of the Royal Academy.

Rebecca says:

I was thrilled to be asked to make a tiny sculpture as I haven’t used bronze since I was a student. It was wonderful to have the chance to reconnect with the subtleties and possibilities of the technique. Sheer joy. 

Unique work, cast in bronze, approx. H: 2.6 cm x L: 8.8 cm x D: 3.9 cm