Artefact VII, 2024

Rachel Goodison's sculptures often reflect a sense of place, either thematically or through shape and material.  Her work also explores parallels and shared patterns between the human and natural worlds.

Her practice is playful - she often uses familiar materials in unfamiliar ways, and magnifies small, natural forms to a human scale, bringing our attention to the unseen and unnoticed. In this way she seeks to emphasise we are all essentially part of the same matter - part of nature, not apart from it - something we tend to forget, to our own cost, and to that of the environment around us.

Rachel says:

"Before Brompton was developed, the area was rural, filled with extensive nursery gardens. I imagined objects that might be excavated if you dug beneath Dora House through the layers of sediment: archaeological finds of horticultural and domestic tools - objects that have been used by man for millennia. 

As I carved, I also imagined I was unearthing something anthropomorphic - the shape of the belly, the neck, shoulders, phallus, womb.  These are familiar universal forms, not only reminiscent of past histories and past peoples, but also serving to remind us of the mystery of what could be hidden beneath our feet."

Unique work, cast in bronze, approx. H: 2.2 cm x L: 6.8 cm x D: 3.4 cm