Hemispheric Perimeter, 2024

Imbued with an appearance of scientific rationality, Conrad Shawcross RA (b. 1977) often monumental sculptures explore subjects that lie on the borders of geometry and philosophy, physics and metaphysics. Inspired by different technologies, the artist's structures may retain in appearance theauthority of machines–yet their raison d’être remainselusive, filled with paradox andwonder. Some have a melancholy feel, while others tend to the sublime, substituting the purely functional for phenomenological experience.

Conrad says:

The ‘Perimeter Studies’ is a series I developed over fifteen years ago which exploits the radiant geometry of Platonic solids. I see the form as a diagram of an explosion akin to the Big Bang. The challenge of creating a Perimeter Study at such a small scale has given me a new dimension to explore. I am happy to be involved in a society that supports sculptors to develop their practise and push the boundaries of contemporary sculpture.

Unique work, cast in bronze, approx. H: 2.2 cm x L: 5.4 cm x D: 4.3 cm